Moths of the US


SYSHUB.jpg          SYSBLA.jpg          ANIVIR.jpg          ANIVIRmf.jpg
Hubbard's Silk Moth (Syssphinx hubbardi) Blanchard's Royal Moth (Syssphinx blanchardi) Pink-striped Oakworm Moth female (Anisota virginiensis) Pink-striped Oakworm Moth pair (Anisota virginiensis)
HEMEGLc.jpg         COLPANa.jpg         COLPANb.jpg         AUTOIOa.jpg
Western Sheep Moth caterpillar (Hemileuca eglanterina) Pandora Pinemoth (Coloradia pandora) Pandora Pinemoth (Coloradia pandora) Io Moth (Automeris io)
AUTOIOc.jpg         HEMDIF.jpg          HYLLINc.jpg         HYLLINa.jpg
Io Moth caterpillar (Automeris io) Snowberry Clearwing (Hemaris diffinis) White-lined Sphinx caterpillar (Hyles lineata) White-lined Sphinx (Hyles lineata)
PROLUC.jpg          SMECER.jpg          AMOJUG.jpg          CERUND.jpg
Pacific Green Sphinx (Proserpinus lucidus) One-eyed Sphinx (Smerinthus cerisyi) Walnut Sphinx (Amorpha juglandis) Waved Sphinx (Ceratomia undulosa)
TARAPR.jpg          ALYCOTc.jpg         ALYLAN.jpg          ALYBIM.jpg
Exposed Bird-dropping Moth (Tarache aprica) Eight-spotted Forester caterpillar (Alypia cotomaculata) Langton's Forester (Alypia langtoni) Two-spotted Forester (Alypiodes bimaculata)
HELPHL.jpg          SCHBIC.jpg          MYTOXY.jpg          EUXAUX.jpg
Darker Spotted Straw (Heliothis phloxiphaga) Schinia bicuspida (Schinia bicuspida) Lesser Wainscot Moth (Mythimna oxygala) Miller Moth (Euxoa auxiliaris)
GALPAR.jpg          PHOMIS.jpg          CHRINC.jpg          MEGBIL.jpg
Wedgling Moth (Galgula partita) Spotted Phosphila (Phosphila miselioides) Soybean Looper Moth (Chrysodeixis includens) Bilobed Looper Moth (Megalographa biloba)
AUTCAL.jpg          RACHOU.jpg          PSEBRU.jpg          LOCBIL.jpg
Alfalfa Looper (Autographa californica) Gray Looper (Rachiplusia ou) Prominent (Pseudhapigia brunnea) Double-lined Prominent (Lochmaeus bilineata)
RIFSUB.jpg          NADGIB.jpg          CTEVEN.jpg          CTECRE.jpg
Small Prominent (Rifargia subrotata) White-dotted Prominent (Nadata gibbosa) Veined Ctenucha (Ctenucha venosa) Cresson's Ctenucha (Ctenucha cressonana)
GNOLAT.jpg          GNOVER.jpg          PHASAU.jpg          LOPMACc.jpg
Wild Forget-me-not Moth (Gnophaela latipennis) Police Car Moth (Gnophaela vermiculata) Saucy Beauty (Phaloesia saucia) Spotted Tussock Moth caterpillar (Lophocampa maculata)
ESTACRc.jpg         LYCFUL.jpg          PTYPHR.jpg          CISFUL.jpg
Salt Marsh Moth caterpillar (Estigmene acrea) Lichen Moth 2 (Lycomorpha fulgens) Lichen Moth 1 (Ptychoglene phrada) Yellow-collared Scape Moth (Cisseps fulvicollis)
ESTACRa.jpg         EUEPHA.jpg          PLUCOM.jpg          CATSP1.jpg
Salt Marsh Moth (Estigmene acrea) Red-tailed Specter Moth (Euerythra phasma) Moonseed Moth (Plusiodonta compressipalpis) Underwing Moth (Catocala sp.)
CATAMA.jpg          CATINN.jpg          CAEEREa.jpg         CAEEREb.jpg
Sweetheart Underwing (Catocala amatrix) Betrothed Underwing (Catocala innubens) Forage Looper Moth (Caenurgina erechtea) worn Forage Looper Moth (Caenurgina erechtea)
DRAPAL.jpg          LITSEX.jpg          MELCEL.jpg          MELIND.jpg
Paler Graphic (Drasteria pallescens) Litocala Moth (Litocala sexsignata) Cellar Graphic (Melipotis cellaris) Indomitable Graphic (Melipotis indomita)
PHOATO.jpg          BULDED.jpg          LESDET.jpg          ZALLUN.jpg
Common Oak Moth (Phoberia atomaris) Deduced Graphic (Bulia deducta) Detracted Owlet (Lesmone detrahens) Lunate Zale Moth (Zale lunata)
ZALUMB.jpg          ASCODO.jpg          ANTGEM.jpg          HYPSCA.jpg
Erebid Moth (Zaleops umbrina) Black Witch (Ascalapha odorata) Velvetbean Caterpillar Moth (Anticarsia gemmatalis) Green Cloverworm Moth (Hypena scabra)
GONSER.jpg          AGRVUL.jpg          PYRTYR.jpg          ACHRAN.jpg
Hypocaline Moth (Goniapteryx servia) Vagabond Sod Webworm Moth (Agriphila vulgivagellus) Coffee-loving Pyrausta (Pyrausta tyralis) Garden Webworm Moth (Achyra rantalis)
PYRLAT.jpg          UREREV.jpg          LYGOCTa.jpg         LYGOCTb.jpg
Southern Purple Mint Moth (Pyrausta laticlavia) Genista Broom Moth (Uresiphita reversalis) Eight-barred Lygropia (Lygropia octonalis) Eight-barred Lygropia (Lygropia octonalis)
DIAFRA.jpg          SPOREC.jpg          SYNFLO.jpg          EPHGIL.jpg
Fractured Western Snout (Diastictis fracturalis) Hawaiian Beet Webworm Moth (Spoladea recurvalis) Red-waisted Florella Moth (Syngamia florella) Dusky Raisin Moth (Ephestiodes gilvescentella)
EUZSEM.jpg          HYPPHO.jpg          HYPOLI.jpg          THYSEP.jpg
American Plum Borer (Euzophera semifuneralis) Hayworm Moth (Hypsopygia phoezalis) Yellow-fringed Dolichomia (Hypsopygia olinalis) Mournful Thyris (Thyris sepulchralis)
ACRPOP.jpg          PROAMI.jpg          PERSP1.jpg          GLEQUIa.jpg
Clemens' Grass Tubeworm Moth (Acrolophus popeanella) Friendly Probole (Probole amicaria) Pero Moth (Pero sp) Five-lined Gray (Glena quinquelinearia)
GLEQUIb.jpg         GLAERR.jpg          IRIGEM.jpg          HESSUL.jpg
Five-lined Gray (Glena quinquelinearia) Glaucina Moth (Glaucina erroraria) Iridopsis Moth (Iridopsis gemella) Sulphur Moth (Hesperumia sulphuraria)
ERACRU.jpg          ERADEC.jpg          EUCDEP.jpg          EUCMAR.jpg
Thin-Lined Erastria (Erastria cruentaria) Erastria Moth (Erastria decrepitaria) Euchlaena Moth (Euchlaena deplanaria) Ochre Euchlaena (Euchlaena marginaria)
DIGPAL.jpg          EPETRU.jpg          PSAABY.jpg          RINFLA.jpg
Angle Moth (Digrammia pallidata) Black-Banded Orange (Epelis truncataria) Dot-lined Angle (Psamatodes  abydata) Geometrid Moth (Rindgea flaviterminata)
SERJUT.jpg          EUSCON.jpg          SYNFRO.jpg          ARCNEO.jpg
Bordered Fawn Moth (Sericosema juturnaria) Confused Eusarca (Eusarca confusaria) Southern Emerald (Synchlora frondaria) New Mexican Carpet Moth (Archirhoe neomexicana)
MESRUF.jpg          EPISPE.jpg          HARAME.jpg
White-ribboned Carpet Moth (Mesoleuca ruficillata) Sperry's Argent and Sable (Epirrhoe sperryi) Grapeleaf Skeletonizer Moth (Harrisina americana)

All photos (c) John Thomlinson, 2003-2021

All rights reserved