The apartment is clean and airy, and, until I get a whole lot of junk in there, tidy.
The dining area
One end of the living room
Master bath
Kitchen (duh)
Plenty of closets
And then the furnishing begins . . .
What would we do without Goodwill?
My bed
(pretty sad, huh?)
I have ordered a fridge and a bed, and they should arrive Saturday (28th).  The few items of furniture and such from PR should start arriving soon.
The views
Looking north
The port of LA
Morning looking east
Morning looking southeast
Even though I'm on the "West" Coast, the apartment faces east and the ocean is to the south.
The outside
The balcony
The garage (the one on the left).
What I keep in the garage (Yes, I joined the legion of the damned and bought an SUV.  But it's little.  And I can haul stuff.  And drive on dirt roads.)
Up the road to Palos Verdes
click on any photo for a larger view
The next-door neighbour has an orange tree and an avocado, for when I feel homesick