Around the House


1999_09_03_002.JPG  1999_09_03_004.JPG  1999_09_03_005.JPG  1999_12_10_006.JPG
View of San Juan from the front of the house View from the back View from the back To the front, from the roof
1999_09_03_001.JPG  1999_09_03_003.JPG  1999_10_17_004.JPG  1999_10_17_001.JPG
Evening light Evening light We get good sunsets We get good sunsets
1999_09_07_004.JPG  1999_11_14_004.JPG  1999_10_21_001.JPG  1999_10_21_005.JPG
Morning mist and afternoon rain and rain and rain
1999_10_21_008.JPG  1999_10_21_007.JPG  1999_11_13_005.JPG  1999_10_17_006.JPG
The cloud forest The cloud forest The effect of all this on the furniture But then, there are the sunsets to look forward to
1999_11_28_005.JPG  2000_02_27_017.JPG  2000_03_15_008a.JPG 2002_05_08_001.JPG
and the sunny days and, of course, the avocados if we can keep the iguanas away plus, there are the bananas
2000_03_23_001.JPG  2000_09_15_090.JPG  1999_10_24_030.JPG  2000_12_21_101.JPG
Evening light A Maxfield Parrish sky No captions needed, really Christmas, 2000 Ambers's cookies
2001_11_10_003.JPG  2001_11_10_006.JPG  2001_10_26_002.JPG  2001_10_28_004.JPG
The road to the house (all that rain) Brynne and Amber's pond The pond
2000_05_30_001.JPG  2003_05_31_001a.JPG 2000_05_10_002.JPG  2002_02_27_003.JPG
Nest of the Dominican Oriole Mangrove Cuckoo Junglefowl I don't like the chickens, but he is handsome
2003_05_30_003.JPG  2001_01_30_013.JPG  2002_01_14_002.JPG  2002_03_26_001.JPG
Anolis lizard Gecko Lizard feeling at home Lizard situation out of control
2001_01_06_004.JPG  2002_06_15_005.JPG  2002_06_15_002.JPG  2000_06_24_003.JPG
Stick insect A different variety Best kind of pet A fairly common spider
2000_06_25_002.JPG  2001_01_10_005.JPG  2000_10_29_001a.JPG 2001_08_18_002.JPG
V-mark Skipper Moth Silver King Androgeous Swallowtail
2000_03_26_004.JPG  2000_06_09_009.JPG  2000_06_09_012.JPG  1999_10_12_006.JPG
Millipede A bee hive in the storage cabinet The local bee-boys More domesticated animals
1999_11_27_001.JPG  2001_03_12_002.JPG  2001_04_19_004.JPG  2002_12_19_002.JPG
Strays that showed up on the patio Another stray – in the house this time Another unwanted stray (and she's holding a puppy) Yes, another stray or two
2002_01_26_001.JPG  2002_01_21_001.JPG  2000_02_27_001.JPG  2000_03_05_001.JPG
We adopted Ursula from the Humane Society So no-one to blame but ourselves A scary stray on the patio But Barney felt at home right away
2000_04_03_003.JPG  2002_01_25_001.JPG  2000_09_23_002a.JPG 2000_09_15_001.JPG
Humiliated after his operation Comuning with the chickens He's scared of storms but basically he's a happy dog

All photos (c) John Thomlinson, 1999-2002

All rights reserved