Around the House
View of San Juan from the front of the house
View from the back
View from the back
To the front, from the roof
Evening light
Evening light
We get good sunsets
We get good sunsets
Morning mist
and afternoon rain
and rain
and rain
The cloud forest
The cloud forest
The effect of all this on the furniture
But then, there are the sunsets to look forward to
and the sunny days
and, of course, the avocados
if we can keep the iguanas away
plus, there are the bananas
Evening light
A Maxfield Parrish sky
No captions needed, really
Christmas, 2000 Ambers's cookies
The road to the house
(all that rain)
Brynne and Amber's pond
The pond
Nest of the Dominican Oriole
Mangrove Cuckoo
I don't like the chickens, but he is handsome
Anolis lizard
Lizard feeling at home
Lizard situation out of control
Stick insect
A different variety
Best kind of pet
A fairly common spider
V-mark Skipper
Silver King
Androgeous Swallowtail
A bee hive in the storage cabinet
The local bee-boys
More domesticated animals
Strays that showed up on the patio
Another stray – in the house this time
Another unwanted stray (and she's holding a puppy)
Yes, another stray or two
We adopted Ursula from the Humane Society
So no-one to blame but ourselves
A scary stray on the patio
But Barney felt at home right away
Humiliated after his operation
Comuning with the chickens
He's scared of storms
but basically he's a happy dog
All photos (c) John Thomlinson, 1999-2002
All rights reserved