Dendrobates auratus, Sendero Tres Rios, La Selva
Two-toed Sloth
Stone Bridge, looking north
Striped Basilisk at dining patio
Bracket fungus
Hog-nosed Viper
Three-toed Sloth baby by Library
Three-toed Sloth mother by Library
Spider predating on frog, Cantarrana Swamp
Frog, don’t know species
Mating red-eyed tree frogs and vine snake
Fer-de-lance, River Station trail
Vine snake, Sura Bridge
Spider web, Stone Bridge
Wood Turtle
Up the hill, Lindero Sur
Gnarly stream crossing, Lindero Sur
Beautiful spider
Rio Sarapiqui
Heliconid butterfly
Curassow near dining patio
Ginger flower
Red-eyed tree frog, Cantarrana Swamp
Fleischmann's Glass Frog, Cantarrana Swamp
Smokey Jungle Frog
By the Salto Bridge
Caiman, Cantarrana Swamp
Great Tinamou, lab clearing
Porch of Casa 4
Fer-de-lance baby, by Cabina 1
Cane Toad waiting at the insect trap
Cup fungus
Foggy morning
Peccary piglet
Wolf spider, Cantarrana Swamp
Cool cockroach on the canopy tower
View from canopy tower
Clouded Snail-eating Snake
Green Basilisk, Hotel Los Lagos, Arenal
Crocodile, Hotel Los Lagos, Arenal
Cerro Chato Trail, not a river
Volcan Arenal
Volcan Arenal
View from bus, Cd. Quesada to San Jose
Airport, San Jose
Somewhere over the Caribbean