Costa Rica May-June 2012


2012_05_30_016a.JPG 2012_05_30_034.JPG  2012_05_30_041.JPG  2012_05_31_002.JPG
Dendrobates auratus, Sendero Tres Rios, La Selva Two-toed Sloth Stone Bridge, looking north Striped Basilisk at dining patio
2012_05_31_004.JPG  2012_05_31_015.JPG  2012_05_31_019.JPG  2012_05_31_020.JPG
Bracket fungus Hog-nosed Viper Three-toed Sloth baby by Library Three-toed Sloth mother by Library
2012_05_31_022.JPG  2012_05_31_024a.JPG 2012_05_31_026.JPG  2012_05_31_030a.JPG
Spider predating on frog, Cantarrana Swamp Frog, don’t know species Mating red-eyed tree frogs and vine snake Fer-de-lance, River Station trail
2012_05_31_035.JPG  2012_06_01_002.JPG  2012_06_01_005.JPG  2012_06_02_026.JPG
Vine snake, Sura Bridge Spider web, Stone Bridge Wood Turtle Up the hill, Lindero Sur
2012_06_02_030.JPG  2012_06_02_035.JPG  2012_06_02_047.JPG  2012_06_03_007.JPG
Gnarly stream crossing, Lindero Sur Beautiful spider Rio Sarapiqui Heliconid butterfly
2012_06_03_009a.JPG 2012_06_04_014.JPG  2012_06_04_022a.JPG 2012_06_04_024.JPG
Curassow near dining patio Ginger flower Red-eyed tree frog, Cantarrana Swamp Fleischmann's Glass Frog, Cantarrana Swamp
2012_06_04_032.JPG  2012_06_05_005.JPG  2012_06_05_030.JPG  2012_06_05_035a.JPG
Smokey Jungle Frog By the Salto Bridge Caiman, Cantarrana Swamp Great Tinamou, lab clearing
2012_06_05_039.JPG  2012_06_05_042.JPG  2012_06_05_043.JPG  2012_06_06_017.JPG
Porch of Casa 4 Fer-de-lance baby, by Cabina 1 Cane Toad waiting at the insect trap Cup fungus
2012_06_08_004.JPG  2012_06_08_013.JPG  2012_06_08_023.JPG  2012_06_09_038.JPG
Foggy morning Peccary piglet Wolf spider, Cantarrana Swamp Fungus
2012_06_09_071.JPG  2012_06_09_076.JPG  2012_06_09_112.JPG  2012_06_11_020.JPG
Cool cockroach on the canopy tower View from canopy tower Clouded Snail-eating Snake Green Basilisk, Hotel Los Lagos, Arenal
2012_06_11_028.JPG  2012_06_12_009.JPG  2012_06_12_018.JPG  2012_06_12_025.JPG
Crocodile, Hotel Los Lagos, Arenal Cerro Chato Trail, not a river Volcan Arenal Volcan Arenal
2012_06_13_026.JPG  2012_06_14_001.JPG  2012_06_14_003.JPG
View from bus, Cd. Quesada to San Jose Airport, San Jose Somewhere over the Caribbean

All photos (c) John Thomlinson, 2012

All rights reserved