View from hostel, St Johns, NL
La Manche Pond, NL
Sheep Laurel, La Manche PP
Capelin, Mobile, NL
Capelin in the hand
Atlantic Puffin, Witless Bay
Marilyn aboard the Molly Bawn
Great Island, Witless Bay
Kittiwake colony
Great Island, Witless Bay
Devil's Throat, Great Island, Witless Bay
Black-legged Kittiwakes on the cliffs
Atlantic Puffin in the grassy hummocks
Northern Gannet in fog, Witless Bay
Humpback Whale in fog, Witless Bay
Mainland through fog, Witless Bay
Brynne and the Molly Bawn, Mobile
Broyle Cove, NL
La Manche CG, NL
Blue Flag Iris, La Manche Pond
Brynne and treefall
Red Squirrel
La Manche PP
La Manche PP
La Manche Falls
Dragonfly larva, La Manche Falls
Orange Hawkweed and cuckoo spit
Mobile, NL
Best moose view to date, Trans Canada Hwy
Malady CG, Terra Nova NP
Cute Red Squirrel, Malady CG
Pesky Red Squirrel, Malady CG
Brynne, Louil Hill Trail, Terra Nova NP
Louil Hill Trail
Panoramic view, Louil Hill Trail
Louil Hill Trail
Blue Hill Trail, Terra Nova NP
Blue Hill Trail
Blue Hill Trail
Blue Hill Trail
Blue Hill Trail
Malady Head Trail, Terra Nova NP
Brynne, Malady Head Trail
Brynne at overlook, Malady Head Trail
Pink Lady's Slipper
Salvage, NL
Ocean Breeze Pub, Salvage
View from Ocean Breeze Pub
View from Ocean Breeze Pub
Ocean Breeze Pub
Salvage, NL
Salvage, NL
You have been warned
Steer between the moose's legs
Maybe a slug will like the local beer
Rocky Harbour, NL
Rocky Harbour, NL
Lobster Cove Head
Lobster Cove Head
Berry Hill CG, Gros Morne NP
Brynne, Berry Head Pond
Berry Head Pond Trail
Lance Selfheal
Rose, sp
Berry Head Pond Trail
Pitcher Plant, Berry Head Pond Trail
Pitcher Plant
Berry Head Pond, Gros Morne NP
Brynne and John, Coastal Trail, Gros Morne NP
Coastal Trail
Coastal Trail
Tuckamoor, Gros Morne NP
Coastal Trail
Lenticular cloud
Canyon from Western Brook Pond Trailhead
Store, Rocky Harbour
Gros Morne NP
Southeast Brook Falls, Gros Morne NP
Overlook near park entrance, Gros Morne NP